Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Not so Wordless Wednesday

For today's "Wordless" Wednesday, I wanted to find something from an Etsy shop that was nearby (just across the border in Vancouver, WA). I found the cutest pillows at tickingandtoile. I also thought it would be neat to pick something that was French related.

I'll be back later with today's Christmas card post (It's already listed in my Etsy shop if you want to peek!)


  1. Thanks so much Ashley! Very sweet of you :) I do have to clarify, however.....I am from Vancouver, WA USA....;)

    Lovely cards you make!! Wow ~ that is something I've never really attempted, because it just looks so difficult, yet you make it look easy :)


  2. Opps, my mistake! I've made the correction in the post :P

    Thank you so much for your kind words! :)

